

Format: Vinyl
Rel. Date: 11/03/2023
UPC: 098796020814

Deprogram [Colored Vinyl] (Grn) (Can)
Artist: Planet On A Chain ( P.O.A.C. )
Format: Vinyl
New: Not in stock

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PLANET ON A CHAIN's Deprogram wasoriginally released digitally only in 2022,and is now available on vinyl for the firsttime.Guitarist Brian Stern recalls, 'I canremember TEAR IT UP playing at the Ranchhouse in Portland back in the early 2000s,they played outside in the side yard. TALKIS POISON was rehearsing for some showsin the basement and we met Dave and crew(they were playing that day with WHATHAPPENS NEXT, LIFES HALT-the bestfolks on the planet).We played with each others bands afterwardon the East Coast, ABC NO RIO on New YorkCity's Lower East Side for sure, LOOK BACKAND LAUGH with SPLITTING HEADACHE,CALIFORNIA LOVE. That sort of thing. Wehave mutual friends and a lot of the sameexceptional and dumb interests, may haveeven mentioned potentially doing a projectback around 2006? The pandemic andsmart phones made that very possible, lol.Dave and I started making songs (lyrics/ music respectively) and sending themback and forth via text / Scratch Trackduring quarantine / shelter-in-place period,we made those songs into demos withGarageband. The quality was terrible, in acool, low-fidelity way, we didn't spend a lotof time on them, strictly first-take policy.I love home recordings and home demoswhere it sounds rough, with chunks andall, and the vocals sounding as if they arecoming from across a long hall, bass isbehind a cinderblock wall down the street.Chris Corry made those all listenable,but the source recordings were all donepretty badly by me (Brian). To be honest,the listener was never in mind, only anafterthought, they were demos. In June2022, we tuned up and re-imagined a bunchof the demo songs and gave them a properstudio recording with Jack Shirley at AtomicGarden in Oakland, CA.'TRACK LISTSIDE 11. No One's Here2. Blinders3. Delusion4. Woodfox5. Divisiveness6. On Display7. Obstinate8. Infinite Reaper9. DeprogramSIDE 21. No Compromise2. Detach3. Deaf Ears4. Exhibited5. Counterattack6. Substitutions7. Algiers Point8. Last Word / Last Act
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