In 1974, as waves of Portuguese colonizers were mobilizing out of Angola, a small platoon of soldiers were tasked with maintaining civil order. Beyond their macho topkick's notions of keeping them battle ready, their watch is about to take a surreal and darkly comic turn. Odd mash-up of historical treatise and horror-farce stars Joao Arrais, Anabela Moreira, Gustavo Sumpta, Leonor Silveira. 118 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Portuguese and Nyaneka; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; deleted scenes; theatrical trailer. In Portuguese and Nyaneka with English subtitles.
In 1974, as waves of Portuguese colonizers were mobilizing out of Angola, a small platoon of soldiers were tasked with maintaining civil order. Beyond their macho topkick's notions of keeping them battle ready, their watch is about to take a surreal and darkly comic turn. Odd mash-up of historical treatise and horror-farce stars Joao Arrais, Anabela Moreira, Gustavo Sumpta, Leonor Silveira. 118 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Portuguese and Nyaneka; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; deleted scenes; theatrical trailer. In Portuguese and Nyaneka with English subtitles.
In 1974, as waves of Portuguese colonizers were mobilizing out of Angola, a small platoon of soldiers were tasked with maintaining civil order. Beyond their macho topkick's notions of keeping them battle ready, their watch is about to take a surreal and darkly comic turn. Odd mash-up of historical treatise and horror-farce stars Joao Arrais, Anabela Moreira, Gustavo Sumpta, Leonor Silveira. 118 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Portuguese and Nyaneka; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; deleted scenes; theatrical trailer. In Portuguese and Nyaneka with English subtitles.